Monday, August 4, 2014

Good vitamins for men now-a-days?  Are there any at all?  I can tell you that I have taken quite a few varieties of them and for the most part, have not really felt a difference.  On the other hand I have taken quite a few that have given me energy, and have given me a better out look on my day.  For example: I have tried One A Day: Men's, NatureMade Daily Men's Pack, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6, and have noticed a huge difference in the morning plus throughout the day.  I have tried some generics from some convenient stores like the little 6 packs of "all day" vitamins and not really noticed anything.  In fact I am usually more groggy in the afternoon from them.  I guess my question to you would be, "What vitamins do you take on a daily basis that actually feel like they work for you?"

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